9 Pro Weed Killing Tips

Like it or not, weeds will probably not fully go away. Despite all our efforts, these nasty plants keep coming back, ravaging our beloved gardens and backyards. We've got all attempted pulling weeds out with our bare hands, uprooting them one by one. It's tough, gruelling work, and a thankless one at that. But they still keep on showing up, especially when you are least expecting it.

Our usual following action would be to kill the plant scourge through weed spraying. Herbicides are ruthless killers of weeds. However, what do we really know about herbicides? Things can go wrong very easily, particularly with something that is made of toxic chemicals. In the wrong hands, herbicides can kill all weeds, plant and plants that are desirable alike. It could even kill hapless creatures.

You're at your wit's end. You want to obtain a weed sprayer and banish weeds out of the garden. Before you do so, here are a couple of tips and tricks for a secure and efficient performance of your weed sprayer. Reading and understanding these may mean the difference between a lush green backyard and a brown dead one.

1. Spray during the wet seasons

Wait till the weeds are actively growing before spraying, usually between September to February. Pot growth conditions are at their best, meaning weeds have an elevated surface with which to absorb the herbicide. Do not use weedkillers during warm months or conditions. For the very best results, spray herbicide in your lawn once the soil is moist.

2. Check the weather

Always check the weather forecast a day beforehand before weed spraying. Optimal spraying requirements are: not too warm, still winds, with reduced chances of rainfall.

Weed spraying in still weather states helps safeguard against herbicide spray unintentionally drifting to non-weed plants. Herbicides require the opportunity to work its magic, and rain may wash all of the chemicals away, making your job futile.

3. Spray more than once

While many weeds perish after a spraying, additional applications may be asked to successfully kill the more adult and hardier weeds. Some weeds have stronger root systems or even a waxy covering that impedes herbicide absorption.

4. Know your enemy

Effective weed spraying needs you to change your water volume and spray quality determined by the attributes of the target weed. There is no size fits all solution.

For instance, utilize decent spray nozzles to target submerged weeds because bigger droplets will only run the foliage off. Conversely, use coarse sprays (large droplets) for broadleaf weeds.

5. Check the concentration

Despite what some folks would say, herbicides are not more successful with a more powerful concentration. It is safer and healthier to spray, rather than proceed with a remedy with a milder dose which may have bad effects on you and your backyard.

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